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Farah Heikal of Raleigh just completed her sophomore year at UNC where she is pursuing a dual degree in Peace, War, and Defense and Political Science with a concentration in Arabic. Farah is a 2017 graduate of Wakefield High School where she was a Junior Marshal and a member of the National Honor Society. At UNC, Farah is a Carolina Covenant Scholar and an active member of Campus Y committees such as LINC (Linking Immigrants to New Communities) and HYPE (Helping Youth By Providing Enrichment).

During her Bridge Year, Farah furthered her interest in supporting refugee and asylum seekers by teaching English and directing creative projects. She volunteered with Lebanese Association for Development and Communications in Beqaa Valley, Lebanon.

Read Farah’s blog posts here:

Pre-Departure: Baggage 

The Paris of the Middle East

Who do I think I am?

It’s not the end-It’s only the beginning
