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This blog was written by Global Gap Fellow Mica Cole.

This has officially been the longest amount of time that I’ve spent away from home. While an exciting time, reality also seems to have set in. It has been unfamiliar to learn how to exist without any specific purpose, to fill gaps of time, and to navigate things knowing that I am in some ways completely alone. So far I feel I have learned a different side of traveling, for one it can be extremely lonely, this can sometimes be relaxing but it can also feel depressing. Also traveling is much more accessible than I previously believed, all it takes is a little determination, and some money, but it’s not as big of an ordeal as I made up in my head. Living and navigating things on my own is also not as big of a deal as I thought, the hardest parts of my day are deciding what I want to do with them. My research with Fashion Revolution reached a halt as we wait for global to approve new projects and how to proceed with the issues of fashion recycling. Swap Meets have also been in the works for the upcoming year, which I unfortunately won’t be present for. My days have consisted of research, games of padel, and weekend/weeklong trips. While I have felt fulfilled while working in Cyprus, I can’t help but feel also partially guilty knowing the things that need to be done in my own community. This is why I eagerly look forward to returning home shortly. I am not only homesick but I am also excited to finally provide help with hurricane relief during the weeks that I am home. It’s weird to think that I’ll never return to these places, or even home, as the same person but in some ways that’s the exciting part.

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